26 Apr '20
How to Develop a Content Plan
Continue readingIf you don’t have an effective content plan, then you’re likely not maximizing your social engagement. You need a detailed content plan to structure and plan your writing and content, so that your content is boosting social engagement. How do you do it? First, identify your AUDIENCE. Put yourself in your potential customers’ shoes. Who […]
19 Apr '20
Ways to be More Productive on Social Media
Continue readingWays to be More Productive on Social Media As a business owner, you likely don’t have a ton of extra time to be surfing the internet and hanging out on social media. There are several ways to make your time on social media more effective! Invest some time and money in a social media strategy. […]
18 Apr '20
Creating a Common Look and Feel
Continue readingCREATING A COMMON LOOK AND FEEL Leveraging the power of paid social media advertisement can help get your brand message out to a large group of people very quickly. This paid advertisement may be the first time an individual has been exposed to your brand. First impressions count! Make sure the branded message that you […]
16 Apr '20
Social Media Marketing During the Coronavirus
Continue readingWith our period of social distancing and quarantining exceeding more than a month now, it has become abundantly apparent that small businesses are being hard-hit by the economic impacts of the Coronavirus. Not only are brick and mortar shops closed, but the financial uncertainties that the future holds have left many would-be consumers putting away […]
28 Mar '20
Organic Instagram Engagement vs. Bot Engagement
Continue readingOrganic Instagram Engagement vs. Bot Engagement Many businesses are drawn to the big follower numbers. Seeing hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands and millions of followers can sure look attractive! Businesses need to beware of the Instagram engagement rules and ensure they are not going offside. Many businesses with large followings achieved this using automated […]