LinkedIn is a great network for marketing yourself to prospective employers and clients. Taking a few minutes to refresh your LinkedIn profile can go a long way to establishing your professional web.
Make sure you have an up-to-date LinkedIn photo. This isn’t the forum for adding your latest shot at the beach; unless you are using a professional photo shoot from the beach and you are a swimsuit model. Your LinkedIn photo is the first thing most visitors notice and should be crisp and clear.
The summary section is your opportunity to promote yourself, your academic and professional accomplishments. Share your story, draw your audience in and let them know who you are and what you have to offer. Although LinkedIn is a professional platform, don’t be afraid to inject your personality and originality into your summary.
The summary section can be done in a variety of formats: full paragraphs, bullet points, a mixture of both. Consider full sentences when describing significant accomplishments and describing work experiences. Primarily use bullet points when listing experiences or positions that do not require detailed explanations.
Visual Content
Visitors to your page will be drawn not only to the academic content, but also to the visual content as well. A photo that speaks a thousand words can also be used to draw thousands of views. Consider adding links to projects, articles, websites, etc… that you have participated in. Again, this is not the forum to upload your latest vacation video, however if you have video content that is related to your work experience or professional background, these can all be added to enhance your LinkedIn page.
If you plan on creating a LinkedIn page and hiding your head in the sand, then perhaps LinkedIn is not the format for you. Make the most of LinkedIn and reach out to the various connections you have. Don’t feel awkward adding a former colleague as a connection… they wouldn’t put themselves out on LinkedIn if they did not want to be added back!
Use the LinkedIn posts as a forum to add articles, commentary and media that you have created or find relevant to your industry. Add commentary and actively participate in discussions and groups.
Your LinkedIn profile is your social resume and cover page. Taking the time to ensure your profile remains relevant, will assist in growing your network and brand. For more tips, check out our LinkedIn Tips for the Professional blog.
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