Apr '20
Ways to be More Productive on Social Media
As a business owner, you likely don’t have a ton of extra time to be surfing the internet and hanging out on social media. There are several ways to make your time on social media more effective!
- Invest some time and money in a social media strategy. Have clearly defined goals and objectives and make sure you come back and review whether your strategy is working. Putting the time and effort up front will save you a ton of time and a ton of effort down the line!
- Make sure you are on the correct social media platforms. All businesses do not need to be on all social platforms. There are some that will provide a higher ROI than others. Focus your attention on these platforms. Whether it if Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest – review the analytics and keep track of the returns you are generating on each site and from there allocate your time accordingly.
- Once you have your platforms sorted out, invest in social media management tools. There are so many options out there! Find one that suits your needs. The right social media management tool will help you post, engage, hashtag and review analytics. A good social media management tool will allow you to schedule your posts at optimal engagement times and over all of your social media platforms. This will remove the burden from having to log in to each platform and individually post.
- Although you can repost content that has been created by others, for the most part you will need to create your own organic content. It can be easiest to tackle a large batch of social posts at one time. Dedicate time – whether it is daily, weekly or monthly – to create your posts and source graphics. Once you get in a content and graphic groove you will (hopefully) find that inspiration abounds!
- A social media content calendar will help you visualize the month ahead and will help you ensure you have curated enough social content.
- You don’t need to reinvent the wheel. There will be times when you can reuse old content. Of course, we don’t recommend this being your sole content strategy, you certainly can integrate it into a robust social media strategy to help fill in gaps and boost your productivity.
If you find you don’t have time to tackle the above alone, reach out to a social media marketing agency. Your time and energy may be better off selling your product and services, leaving your social media marketing strategy and engagement to the experts.