Leveraging the power of paid social media advertisement can help get your brand message out to a large group of people very quickly. This paid advertisement may be the first time an individual has been exposed to your brand. First impressions count! Make sure the branded message that you are using in your paid advertisement matches the branded message that you are using in your organic social media marketing. If someone clicks on your advertisement and is directed to a website or social platform that looks nothing like the ad, they may be confused or disappointed, and will be less likely to continue their engagement.
If your business engages in e-mail marketing, make sure any e-mail campaigns also have this same consistent branded message.
This doesn’t mean you can’t have some fun with your posts! It is okay to have different themes running, different sales and even some “crazy fun” posts. This can all be included in a comprehensive digital marketing strategy. Micro campaigns can have different looks and feels while still tying into the overarching corporate brand culture.
Try to keep your organic content away from the super cheesy sales pitches! Sales pitches can be used in your paid ads. Use your organic content for the engaging content that resonates with your customers.
Investing in a corporate brand standards guide can help keep the visual aspect of each post and platform aligned. Simple things like consistent colour palates, font and overlays can help deliver a consistent visual brand.
Take the time to develop your corporate brand. Your brand should look and sound the same across your website, social media, paid advertisement and e-mail marketing campaigns. Allow for some leeway depending on your micro campaign and don’t forget who your target audience is. Create original, engaging content and keep in mind that each time your brand is seen can be a make it or break it for a perspective customer. Let them know who you are and what your business is all about!